NBA officiating keeping you up at night?

We count the incorrect calls and non-calls in every NBA Last 2-Minute Report so you don't have to.

Team Officiating

Games Errors
In Favor
In Favor

Home vs Away

In Favor
In Favor


Why do some teams have more officiating errors than others?

These incorrect calls and non-calls are pulled from the NBA's Last 2-Minute Reports, which are only created for games that are at or within 3 pts during any point in the last 2 minutes of the 4th quarter. Teams with more close games will have larger sample sizes than those without as many games.

How often is the data updated?

Officiating data for the 2022-23 season is updated within 2 hours of the NBA releasing their Last 2-Minute Reports from the prior day's games.

Is there officiating data from before the 2020-21 season?

Yes - we're currently working on including officiating data from as early as the 2014-15 season.

Does this include Preseason or Playoffs?

No - only regular season games are included.